
New Dragon Ball Z Game : Sagas and Movies - (Dragon Ball,Dragon Ball Z,GT,Super)[DBZ Games Wishlist]

2016-03-05 3 Dailymotion

Today we will be discussing a new dragon ball z game, which sagas and movies should be in the game. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, GT,Dragon Ball Super, which of these deserve to be in the game? There are also many popular Dragon Ball Z Movies that people want to see in a new game, such as the Broly movies, Super Android 13, Fukkatsu No F, and Battle of Gods. This DBZ games wishlist episode is to discuss what dragon ball z series or dragon ball z movies deserve to be in a new dragon ball z game. Dragon Ball Z Sagas that are most loved by DBZ fans are the Frieza saga, Cell saga, & Majin Buu saga, and followed by that is Dragon Ball Super. There is said to be no New Dragon Ball Z Game 2015 at E3 at the moment, but its possible we may still get another new dbz game sometime soon. Dragon Ball Z Games have started to look up due to Dragon Ball Xenoverse being released, which is one of the most well-received DBZ games in a long time. Raging Blast 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi were the last known high points of DBZ games before Xenoverse. Will the new dragon ball z game have dbz sagas and dbz movies that the fans want? What DBZ movies and dbz arcs do you want in the next dbz game? Leave your comments down below!\r
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There could be a new Dragon Ball Z game in 2015/2016, from the sagas and movies, the most wanted parts of the movies are Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku vs golden frieza, super saiyan god vegeta vs golden frieza, and goku vs beerus from dragon ball z battle of gods. Beerus and Whis are two of the most well loved dbz characters in a long time. Resurrection F as well as Battle of Gods will need to be in the new dbz game, as well as the new dragon ball super series which comes out in july 2015. Dragon ball, dragon ball z, and dragon ball gt are the three main series of dragon ball that will be requested for the new dbz game saga and movies. Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F (Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ 復活の「F」) will surely have content in the next dbz game just like how it has content in dragon ball xenoverse. Hopefully they will also put in story sequences for dragon ball z movies, such as fukkatsu no f, battle of gods, and dragon ball z super 2015.\r
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